
Customizable Program

Personal Economics
Customizable Program

FHI’s most customizable program. Designed to promote understanding and behavioral changes for persons with limited income.

Who?  Individuals experiencing financial stress and the organizations who serve them

How? In person - typically for 12 consecutive weeks, but this is customizable

How many? Negotiable

Pricing?  Please reach out to Andy Gaglio to discuss this program further

What’s customizable? Format, timing, length, location and more

What additional charges may be applied? The first two (2) hours of customization are included in the base price.  After those 2 hours, a rate of $150/hour will be assessed for additional customizations

The Personal Economics Program (PEP) is a series of classes that guides individuals with limited income to become more aware of the ways in which financial stress affects their overall wellbeing. It explores the underlying behavioral and economic issues that lead to decisions that cause financial stress and limit financial capability. Instead of starting the process with budgeting, this series builds underlying knowledge and establishes the first steps of behavior change while introducing useful tools to create and maintain an accurate and workable spending plan.

PEP is generally run as a 12-week comprehensive educational series of classes in three (3) areas of study: More Than a Job; Benefits and Housing Exploration; and Health Literacy. Each of these series of classes has up to 24 hours of content and up to 12 hours of directed assignments so participants can practice what they have learned. Unlike other types of financial health education which may include an underlying assumption of privilege, PEP uses our Person-Centered Financial Education© (PCFE) model in a safe and supportive learning environment.

What’s Customizable?

To learn more about the program, click below to see the full curriculum: